Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Studio Funk

This morning recordings in ´Studio Funk´ for the VO in the tag on for Ariel
I did at the beginning of my internship. It will be on air in a few weeks.

Saatchi & Saatchi wird für AS&S aktiv

Friday, September 23, 2011

A.R.T. Studios Frankfurt

This morning I went to A.R.T. Studios  'Audioproduktion
für Werbung' for the recordings of the VO in the Tag on 
of Olaz I did a few weeks ago. 
Claudia Urbschat- Mingues (German dubbing voice for 
Angelina Jolie) is the voice of Olaz.

The main copy together with the tag on will be on air 
the 1st of October.

Monday, September 19, 2011


This is the last TV commercial created by Saatchi Frankfurt.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

nihil difficile volenti

Saatchi & Saatchi Frankfurt
Uhlandstrasse 2, 60314 Frankfurt, Germany

What a great experience! I have started my new internship at Saatchi & Saatchi Frankfurt in July 2011. It gives me the opportunity to challenge myself every day.
Working with professional people as a creative, I have the possibility to create advertisements in different media: storyboards for TV, Tag - ons, layouts for print and digital banners, and developing new concepts. Being able to work in a team is essential to take your work to the next level, also sharing ideas with colleagues improves it, thanks to their support.

For two months now I have been working for different clients: mainly for Ariel and Visa and I also participated in the pitch for AS&S.